VOGUE - Chloe Mendel Mentioned by Humane Society Fashion Policy Adviser

Following Gucci's Decision to go fur free, Vogue's Emily Farra interviewed PJ Smith, the senior manager of fashion policy at the Human Society, about what effects people could see in the fashion industry.  He specifically mentioned Chloe Mendel and the techniques Maison Atia are using as things to look forward to in faux-fur.
Farra "The belief that real fur is more luxurious than faux fur is outdated and often just incorrect."
Smith "I think there’s this idea [in the luxury market] that you have to sell fur to be considered ‘luxury.’ From my point of view, that’s ridiculous, because I know how much faux fur is. It can be quite expensive, whereas real fur trim on a jacket can be really cheap, even just dollars. Gucci will change that misconception about luxury, though... I don’t think it’s ever been like this before, where companies are seeing there is a huge demand for it... what Chloé Mendel is doing using real fur machines to make faux fur coats, that’s awesome." - by Emilie Farra, Vogue